---Downloaded files--- The import files for: Import Zex were successfully downloaded! Initial max execution time = 300 Files info: Site URL = https://u40.9ac.myftpupload.com Data file = /var/www/wp-content/themes/zex/sample-data/contents-demo.xml Widget file = /var/www/wp-content/themes/zex/sample-data/widget-settings.json Customizer file = /var/www/wp-content/themes/zex/sample-data/customizer-data.dat Redux files: not defined! ------ New AJAX call! ---Importing widgets--- Footer Widget : Footer Col 3 - Menu - Imported Footer Col 3 - Resources - Imported Footer Col 3 - Contact - Imported Footer Col 3 - Social - Imported ---Importing customizer settings--- Error: The customizer import file is not in a correct format. Please make sure to use the correct customizer import file. ---ocdi/after_import---